Above the pink section of Leno is my first attempt at making a flair. The idea behind the flair is to add extra weft to the cloth. When you lay in the weft you "measure" an extra few centimeters. Every five centimeters you add an additional 1 to 2 centimeters.
So, first of all "estimating" weft does not appear to be my strong suit. Second of all "gradual" is also not in my lexicon. Third of all - there is no third of all - I cut off the cloth and put it aside for another day.
Fast foward a day - a new day has dawned and I have a plan. I switched from cotton to wool. The thicker the better. Then, I got a handy, dandy measuring tape. I would like to say I got better at estimating as I went along ----but noooooo, I became more systematic at measuring. I am all about whatever works.
I will insert a picture of my new "flair" attempt when I am back on wi-fi.
Some times the better part of valor is to stop when you are not successful, reanalyze, and wait for another day when you have more patience.
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