Friday, August 5, 2016

Condominium Dress Continued

I finished my project that I was weaving at the condo.  I thought I would have enough yardage for a dress, but I underestimated - it is going to be a top.  I lost a lot of width by putting in stretchy yarn.  The women at the studio, including my mentor Hiromi, thought it was very creative.

The long, wide portion of the fabric will be the sides and lower portion of the top.

The fabric above will be the bodice.  I wove 5 to 10 rows of red/blue thread alternating with 5 to 10 rows of stretchy yarn.  I looks like a waffle.

This portion of the fabric will be the back of the top.  For this section I wound bobbins with red/blue thread and stretchy thread together.  I looks crinkly, like it needs ironing.  

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