The warp was beamed on, the heddles and reed were sleyed and tied on a table top set up. One purpose of this particular warp was to use a variety of colors, sizes of thread, textures, and to intentionally leave spaces in the reed.
Here is a side view of the table top set up.
The warp was transferred to the loom.
I love the colors. One woman from California said she thought I purchased it because it was so lovely.
The pink and yellow yarn at the bottom was hand spun on the bobbin winder. I think I will need more practice before I end up with even threads.
Here is part of the project on the loom.
The thick brown section has many loops.
The purple, white and pink is more roving added into the project. I twisted two pieces of roving together to get a mock braid.
I used some "novelty yarn" in the middle of the project. You can see the floor between the threads because I wove it loosely.
In the pink section I wove one side with loops and the other side with straight weave. You make W's in the thread in one side to get the loops and go straight across to get the traditional weave. I love the texture.
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