Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Saorinomori Fashion Show

The afternoon of my first day at Saorinomori in Osaka, Japan, they had a fashion show.   Each weaver brought in two or more projects to show the other members.  I was amazed at the variety of different garments, the colors, and the style elements.  Kenzo and his son took photographs for their blog.   Many of the weavers took pictures with their cameras.  Hirome wrote notes down about thread content, design elements, and other salient points.   

The woven fabric was added to a pre-made mauve shell.

HIromi is modeling her flared pants made of Japanese paper.  

The top has braided fringe used as straps.

The collar on this coat has a clip for changing how to attach it.  On the back side the fringe is seen to the back of the coat in funky patterns like snakes and spirals.  

This jacket has an interesting plaid.  

The same warp was used for the top an skirt.  The top is more striped in appearance and the skirt has more plaid elements in it.  

I love the back on this top.  

This top is made of 11 different pieces.  When asked the weaver said it was made from a very short piece of cloth.  She used left over pieces from other projects to "patch" it together.  Her advice it to never throw anything away. 

HIromi is modeling a newsboy cap.  "Kite" pronounced k-eye-tay means to write, as in writing the news.   

Hiromi is modeling the stunning back of this vest.  The gathered parts of this vest are made of elastic yarn.  

One woman made curtains out of her fabric.  

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