The loom arrived with great fanfare. I quickly unpacked it and set it up. The warp had lost some tension during transport. Alex held the warp threads while I rewound the warp onto the roller. Each of the 22 children patiently took turns weaving. The younger friends, ages 3 and 4 needed help pressing the treadles, but the other children, ages 5 to 8 could weave independently. I was amazed by their patience, concentration, and ability to follow directions. They wouldn't even stop to get their pictures taken. They far exceeded my expectations and showed great enthusiasm and gratitude for the opportunity to learn how to weave. When I left on Friday they asked if I was coming back on Monday. It was very sweet.
Pictured above is Mia age 3. She shows great ability to hold the shuttle.
Pictured above is Noah age 5. He not only was able to weave independtly but he stood by and coached the other children so they wouldn't get confused.
Pictured above is the finished peace banner. I cut the picture in half because there are three children that cannot be photographed. I will blur their faces when I get back to the US.