Saturday, May 14, 2016

Saori Worcester Selvage Fringe and Knots

I woke up this morning to the sun shining, the birds chirping, and a cool breeze blowing through my window.  I jumped out of bed and drove to Saori Worcester.  This is the welcome sign on the door.   

Saori Worcester's studio is set back from the road.

But I knew I was in the right place because the pillars are wrapped in woven fabric.  

I think everyone in the world should wrap their pillars and posts in colorful Saori fabric.   

Mihoko is the Sensi or teacher. She said most Americans know the term Sensi from Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles.  She is wearing a Saori top she made with matching shoes.

Check out these shoes she had made with the same fabric as the top.   How cool is that???

Today I am learning how to weave fringe along the selvage.  You basically weave small sections.  When you can't use the beater any more you use a bamboo comb instead.  Note, the section on the right was woven first and the section on the left was woven second.

This is what the piece looked like coming off of the loom.  I have to cut the bottom section off and tie my fringe.

Here it is from another angle.   I changed the width of each section and used treasures like wool roving, felt, and scrap yarn.   To the left of the bottom section I learned a knot-less knotting technique.  You place the yarn over a few warp threads and bring the ends up from the bottom to the center.  You end up with a 70's shag carpet look.  

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