Sunday, May 15, 2016

Saori Tote Bag. First Attempt

This is woven fabric that I already had on hand at home.

My friend Faith said that she could help me make a tote bag.  She is a true Saori sewer.  She does not need a pattern or to measure anything.  I sewed the vinyl to the fabric to make it sturdier. 

She loved the blue flame and wanted to make sure I didnt cover it up with the handles.  I sewed the handles on and put "X"s near the top edge for reinforcements.  

I sewed the side and the bottom together and then sewed triangles on the two sides so the bottom would be flat.  I cut off the extra part of the triangle.  The end result was long and narrow.  I am not sure if it will prove to be useful.  If I find an industrial machine I may reinforce the bottom.  As it was I had to put up the pressed foot and drop the feed dogs.   

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